The One Strategy Your Opponents Don’t Want You to Know

Simple techniques for strategic play...


Welcome back to the Road to Pro!

Big news—I’m revamping how this newsletter works to make it even better! You’ll now receive two issues per week. Here’s what to expect:

  • Issue #1: I’ll share three pickleball tips and give you one thought-provoking question at the bottom of the issue. You’ll get the chance to submit your own answers to this question for the chance to win a new paddle.

  • Issue #2: I’ll feature the three best answers to the question from Issue #1, and the top answer will win a free paddle! (This is the new method for the newsletter’s paddle giveaways).

The best answers will be chosen based on how well-written, helpful, and applicable they are. This is your chance to share your knowledge and see what other pickleball players have to say!

I can’t wait to hear your ideas!

Now let’s get to it!

Tip #1

Stay Locked-In

When you’re playing doubles, and more specifically when it’s mixed, it’s easy for the right-sided player to become uninvolved and lose focus. There are many times when the left-sided player is taking charge and covering the majority of the court - this is super common and often very necessary in certain rallies. However, if you’re on the right side of the court, don’t check out. ALWAYS stay ready for defense and keep an eye out for opportunities to attack. Don’t let yourself become distracted or uninterested if you haven't hit a shot in a while. Losing focus is the quickest way to get caught off-guard and lose the point.

On the flip side, if you see your opponent zoning out and not staying ready, use this to your advantage! Hit an attacking shot their way and catch them by surprise.

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Take a look!

Tip #2

Better Positioning at the Net

This is the one strategy your opponents don’t want you to know. When you’re at the kitchen line, stay as close to it as possible. The closer you are, the more reach you’ll have over the kitchen to make contact with the ball before it bounces. What your opponents really want is to push you back off the kitchen line and keep you on defense. But, if you take more shots out of the air, you prevent your opponents from controlling the game. Making contact with the ball as soon as possible takes time away from your opponents, which will make them feel more pressure. Staying close to the kitchen line and taking the ball out of the air as often as you can is the key for maintaining offense at the net.

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Tip #3

Dinking Strategy

If you’re stuck in a long dinking rally, stay patient and don’t lose your strategy. These rallies are a big part of pickleball, so mastering them is essential if you want to become a better player. When you get in these long rallies, don’t be passive with your shots, but instead be very intentional with where you’re aiming. You want to move your opponents around on the court; push them back off the line with deeper dinks, or force them wide with aggressive dinks to the sidelines. Your goal here is to keep your opponents on defense. If you can stay composed and strategic in long dinking rallies, you can use them to win more points.

Question Spotlight

Game Analysis

Do you analyze your tournament and/or rec games? If so, what does that process look like for you?

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